Tithebarn Hog Roast
14th July 2013
In glorious sunshine our PGM was invited to the ' Friends of Tithebarn ' Hog Roast on Sunday afternoon. Matron, or the Manager of the home as she is now known, staff and most of the residents were there. All the friends, and over 60 supporters gathered in the large marquee to enjoy a sumptuous carvery.   
Entertainment was provided by a stunning tenor: Bro Roy Weisseinsteiner from Univercity of Liverpool Craft Lodge, Sarah Chilton (well known at Mark Llandudno weekends) and Ken Kay.
After which Bro Peter Connolly presented The Chairman with a cheque on behalf of W LANCS Mark charities to cover the cost of a new Garden Room and associated ground works.
Also presented on behalf of University of Liverpool Mark Lodge were 3 overseers' chairs, of modern design which particularily suited the Garden Room.
The PGM was particularily pleased to renew acquaintance with Mrs Phyllis Hooton: whose 100th birthday he had helped to celebrate only a few weeks earlier.


Article and Photograph's Courtesy of Peter Connolly